Rudy Pei (裴彦儒) Interested in mathematical physics, machine learning, and Scriabin.

I am an amateur pianist and composer. Here are some of my works.

An ecstatic lofi

A lofi hip-hop made from samples of Richter’s recording on Scriabin’s piano sonata no.5 (beware the loud opening).

Opus 3: short piece with 100 notes

The title says it all. A short piano piece written in exactly 100 notes. Inspired by Nahre Sol’s 100 note challenge.

Opus 2: Green Water

A fantasy inspired by a trip to Gokayama. Incorporates elements of impressionism, Hirajoshi scale, mysticism, and jazz into a musical porridge to be consumed in 5 minutes.

Opus 1: prelude in C

An early attempt to write a short prelude in a Prokofievian style. The title is almost a joke because the bulk of this piece is not in C. Available on youtube.